Due to the increasing popularity of drones in the USA, the amount of training courses offered is on the rise.  At the moment, the area of drone engineering has been listed as a full-fledged discipline at many universities because the number of drone designs are steadily being implemented around the world.  While drones tend to be unmanned vehicles, this does not mean they do not require operators; therefore, the amount of drone piloting education is one that is building in size. 

This article will provide information on this modern industry pointing out career opportunities and the benefits of drone pilot training courses.

What are the Different Career Opportunities for Drone Pilots?

Individuals who choose to pursue an education in unmanned aircraft systems can look forward to employment in various professional industries, including the following:

  •  Military and intelligence
  •  Agriculture
  •  Disaster control and relief
  •  Search and rescue
  •  Traffic control
  •  Aerial photography
  •  Engineering and computer studies
  •  Filming and cinematography
  •  Seismic study and storm chasing
  •  Drone consultancy, training and insurance
  •  Fire fighting
  •  Package delivery

What are the Different Drone Pilot Training Courses Available?

If you have an interest in operating drones, it is to your benefit to complete a training course or degree program in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).  Of course, to locate the ideal program for your particular needs, it is highly recommended that you complete research on the colleges offering this educational opportunity. 

The application procedure for these types of degrees is identical to any other degree program where you are required to complete an application form and submit it to the relevant department with the correct documentation and cover letter.  It should be mentioned that while many degree programs require on-site study, there are options available for online learning.

The two basic categories included in any training program include piloting and building drones; however, before choosing a program, it is advised that you determine why you wish to study these topics.  The details of the programs are typically found on the college's website, but the basic degree program spans a period of four years for Bachelor degrees and two years for Master degrees. 

An individual who is looking to obtain a remote pilot certificate will need to complete additional training; therefore, it is essential you are willing to spend this time and utilize the knowledge to pursue a career in this field.

Final Words on the Matter

Using the above information you will be able to choose the correct training path and career field for your drone piloting needs.

 Drone Pilot Training and Career Opportunities